Ren in Cannabis
August 27, 2021

What Are Synthetic Cannabinoids?

The general public might not understand what synthetic cannabinoids are. That wouldn’t be very surprising considering that this type of drug is constantly changing, constantly being altered, and renamed or reclassified by manufacturers to avoid confiscation by law enforcement.


Ren in Cannabis
December 23, 2020

Increased Marijuana Use Among Young People—What Are the Long Term Effects?

Two coinciding factors are currently worrying public health experts regarding teen and adolescent health. First off, marijuana use among young people is growing. Second, it is becoming increasingly apparent that marijuana use among young people is particularly harmful to them.


Ren in Cannabis
September 8, 2019

Marijuana Legalization Seven Years Later

Where is marijuana legalization taking us? What will be the result of legalization in the years to come for the states that have already legalized? Much of the apprehension over marijuana legalization comes from the fact that we just don’t know what the long-term effects will be.


Ren in Cannabis
August 14, 2019

What Do Legalization, Marijuana, and Pregnancy Have in Common?

One of the most concerning things about increasing marijuana legalization is that individual states are quickly legalizing cannabis before truly understanding the potential risks in doing so .


Ren in Cannabis
July 3, 2019

What Happens to People Who Use Marijuana in Their Adolescent Years?

One important piece of data is that drug experimentation can be more damaging for young people than adults. Young people tend to be more impulsive, more likely to take risks when under the influence, etc. Furthermore, drug use has a potent effect on the body of a young person, creating great danger for developing an addiction.


Fio Magliola in Cannabis
June 18, 2019

The State of Oklahoma Is Going to Pot

They’ve been popping up everywhere it seems. Ever since the passing of State Question 788 legalizing medical use of Marijuana last year, medical marijuana dispensaries are nearly as prolific as Dunkin’ Donuts shops are in New England. One local shop had a sign out front, “doctor on premises.”


Ren in Cannabis
December 3, 2018

Drug Abuse on College Campuses: What College Students are Doing on the Drug Scene

When we think of college campuses, the upper echelon of educational attainment in the United States, a bunch of students smoking marijuana is not the first concept that comes to mind. However, on hundreds of colleges across the country, cigarette smoking is in rapid decline as marijuana use increases steadily.


Ren in Cannabis
August 29, 2018

Does Marijuana Have Something to Do With Stroke? One Study Indicates So

Is it possible that marijuana has some negative health consequences that we did not know about? One study out of France indicates that there seems to be a strong connection with heavy marijuana use in young people and one type of stroke.


Ren in Cannabis
May 1, 2018

High Schoolers More Likely to Smoke Pot than Cigarettes

Young people are often thought to be the most “at-risk” age range for drug abuse and alcohol addiction, and to a degree that is true.


Joanne in Cannabis
April 18, 2018

People Die From Marijuana

We’re all acutely aware of the simple fact that cannabis (aka marijuana) won’t cause a person to overdose or otherwise stop breathing and therefore die—that’s what the studies have shown us. But, the research is clear that Marijuana has other ways of leading to death.