John’s Narconon Arrowhead Experience

John’s Narconon Arrowhead Experience

Sometimes when family members and friends learn about a loved one’s problems with drug addiction they are nothing short of shocked and amazed. For whatever reason, the fact that their loved one was leading a troubled life and using drug substances managed to escape them. They may wonder how it could even be true, especially when the individual seems to be functioning well in their life. This may even lead them into assuming that drug addiction must be the individual’s choice, and therefore handling drug addiction should be as simple as the individual deciding not to use drugs anymore. Unfortunately, this problem is far more complicated than they are considering.

It may be true that on the outside the individual appears to be operating somewhat normally in their life, but the plain fact is that their understanding of their own life is that it is nothing short of a total and unending nightmare. Where once they turned to drugs for help in a time of difficulty, they have since become a complete and utter slave to these chemical substances, judging their every thought, decision and action by how well it will enable them to continue obtaining and using drug substances.

While very few may actually admit it openly, many drug addicts are aware of the fact that they have a problem with drug substances and they need help. They may even make some attempts to stop their drug use on their own or get help from others. However, without intensive and professional rehabilitation treatment, such attempts often end in failure and the individual may become more and more certain that they will never be able to live a drug-free life again. In some cases, the individual may even begin to hope and pray for death as a way out of the addiction nightmare that has taken over their entire life. Fortunately, there are ways they can successfully take their life back.

Getting Life Back

Before John arrived at Narconon he was addicted to heroin, but no one in his life knew about it. Despite his crushing need for heroin in order to function all day and every day, John had managed to keep it a secret from everyone around him. He was functioning and everything in his life appeared to be going well, but he knew the truth was far from this apparency. He knew that he was very sick and that every single day was a terrible battle just to get and use more drugs. There was no doubt in John’s mind that he had a horrible problem that would eventually take his life. He tried many, many times to sever his connection with heroin, all to no avail, and he became used to the fact that his life was just a horrible nightmare.

John arrived at Narconon Arrowhead and began his rehabilitation treatment with the sauna detoxification program. It was about halfway through this portion of his program that John began to notice great improvements. He started feeling revitalized – like he had more energy. Running on the treadmill every day was no longer as difficult, and he began to feel more and more like his old self. He is happy to report that things just got better from there on.

Having now completed the Narconon program, John knows that he can walk back into his life and live it the way he truly wants to. Life itself is much the same as it once was, only now he has the tools he needs to live it really well. He knows how to communicate with people and how to do his job better. Most importantly, he knows with absolute certainty that he doesn’t need to use drugs ever again. He is enjoying his new, healthy life, and he is grateful to Narconon for helping him to not only save but improve it.


Karen Hadley

For more than a decade, Karen has been researching and writing about drug trafficking, drug abuse, addiction and recovery. She has also studied and written about policy issues related to drug treatment.