“My mind and body feel so much clearer!”

Narconon Arrowhead reviews

"Since I've been in the program, I learned to not think about my past experience as much as I used to, and I've been devoting my time to the now and the future. Completing the sauna has really made me realize how much crazy things you could really have without using drugs. My mind and body feel so much clearer now, it’s incredible what this program can really do for a person’s health and mental state!


The New Life Detoxification is a unique component of the Narconon program. It is a combination of exercise, sweating in a dry-heat sauna and a carefully monitored regimen of hydration and nutrition. The procedures break up and flush out the toxic residues that remain in the body—even after the person has stopped taking drugs.

Ask any Narconon graduate about the New Life Detox. They’ll tell you they sweated out the drugs locked up in their system and gained a new energy, a new vitality—a new life, free from drug cravings.

Narconon Arrowhead is surrounded by the Arrowhead state park and is right off Lake Eufaula. It is an hour and a half drive away from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

To find out more about the Narconon program and New Life Detox, call Narconon Arrowhead today: 1-800-468-6933

Or write to us: info@narcononarrowhead.org



Dopo la laurea in Disegno Industriale, Cristina ha deciso di applicare le sue conoscenze nell’ambito della promozione di uno stile di vita sano e produttivo, avendo visto coi suoi occhi gli straordinari risultati ottenuti dal programma Narconon, dove lavora da oltre 10 anni.