Growing Need for Alcohol Intervention Explained

Alcohol abuse is an on-going issue in the United States. The problem impacts millions of Americans. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, among people aged 12 or older, 50.8% or 139.7 million Americans had consumed alcohol in the past month.


Ren in Local News
August 17, 2020

Addiction in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City

Oklahoma may seem like a peaceful, sun-filled land of rolling hills and prairies. But this area also struggles with a severe drug problem. It is a public health crisis that affects cities and rural communities alike.


Ren in Family Addiction
January 29, 2020

Solving America’s Addiction Nightmare and Helping Our Young Adults

Since the turn of the century, the United States has experienced what might be its worst-ever drug problem. Just in the last two decades, millions of people have fallen prey to drug habits, and hundreds of thousands of people have died from drug overdoses. But who is actually falling prey to addiction?


Ren in Information on U.S. States
August 21, 2019

What Can We Do to Reduce Drug Use in Our Communities?

While it is true that drug addiction can affect anyone, it is also true that drug use touches down in some communities more than it does in others. What makes certain areas of the U.S. different than others?