Ren in Alcohol Abuse
June 2, 2021

What are the Signs of an Alcohol Overdose?

We often hear news stories about drug overdoses, about the rise in drug-related fatalities across America, and how we should respond to them. But what about alcohol overdoses, alcohol poisoning? It’s important to understand that alcohol poisonings do occur, and that they are extremely dangerous. It’s essential to know what the signs and symptoms of alcohol overdoses are and what to do if a loved one or friend has binge drunk to the point of an alcohol overdose.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
April 7, 2021

How to Talk to a Loved One About Their Drinking

Alcohol is unique in that, while it is most definitely a mind-altering substance, its use is also quite normalized in day-to-day life. Where do you draw the line? How do you know what qualifies as alcohol use and what qualifies as misuse?


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
July 1, 2019

What to Do When Your Addicted Loved One Says, “I Don’t Have a Problem”

When someone struggles with drug addiction or alcoholism, getting that person help becomes the priority. Addiction is a lethal crisis—something that claims the lives of thousands of people every year. There’s no telling when a deadly overdose or accident could come about.


Ren in Family Addiction
June 13, 2019

A Checklist for Helping an Addicted Loved One Seek Treatment

Helping a loved one overcome a drug habit or alcoholism is no walk in the park. It can be a real challenge and an ongoing one. When you are trying to help your loved one, trying to convince them to get better, it helps to have tips, tools, and techniques at your disposal.


Ren in Family Addiction
April 11, 2019

How to Talk to Your Spouse about Drugs

Few challenges are more difficult than when we face the prospect of talking to a family member or loved one who is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. These issues are some of the hardest. Someone you care about very much is using a substance that will eventually kill them if they don’t stop.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
November 15, 2018

How Every American Can Do Their Part to Reduce the Drug Problem

It goes without saying that our country has been struggling with a pretty significant drug problem for quite some time now. The United States of America has been a hotspot for addiction, drug abuse, and alcohol misuse for almost two decades in a row.