Erica in Prescription drugs
May 5, 2017

Opiate Warning: Hydromorphone, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone

Opiate abuse has become an epidemic as more people are treating pain with prescription drugs and becoming dependent on them. The most prescribed drugs are oxycodone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone, which are all highly addictive and can have deadly consequences.


Karen Hadley in Prescription drugs
October 13, 2016

DEA Intervenes to Reduce Number of Painkillers in Circulation

In early October 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration released an order to pharmaceutical manufacturers to reduce the number of controlled prescription drugs that could be made in 2017. While this action is designed to reduce the number of pills on the market and being abused, there’s no guarantee that those in pain may suffer in the transition.


Karen Hadley in Drug Information
August 29, 2016

Why Reformulating Painkillers is No Solution to Oklahoma’s Pill Abuse Problem

In the last several years, there's been a trend toward the reformulation of prescription opioids so as to prevent their abuse. While there might have been good intentions to prevent people from becoming addicted or overdosing by changing this formulation, that is not and will never be an effective solution.