Ren in Legislation
June 14, 2019

Justice for Drug Addicts

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 130 people die from overdoses on opioid drugs every day. Such opioids include pharmaceutical pain relievers, heroin, fentanyl, and synthetic hybrid combinations of different opioid drugs.


Ren in Prescription drug abuse
May 29, 2019

Do We Really Need Addictive Pharmaceutical Drugs?

Let’s take a minute to openly and honestly ask, “Do we really need to use addictive pharmaceuticals to be healthy? Would it be possible to address physical pain without having to turn to potent prescription drugs?“ Just a cursory glance at news headlines these days will show us…


Ren in Pharmaceutical Companies
February 9, 2019

Behind the Curtain of Medicine and Pharmaceuticals – How Pharmaceutical Giants Bribed Doctors to Prescribe Opioids

We’ve known for a while that when pharmaceutical manufacturers provide incentives to doctors to prescribe opioids, they prescribe opioids. This isn’t anything new. But according to research just published at JAMA Network Open, there is a direct connection between the payments that drug companies give to opioid prescribers and an increase in overdoses in those prescribers’ communities.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
February 6, 2019

How Could Doctors Play Their Role in Reducing the Opioid Epidemic?

Doctors played a decisive role in fueling the opioid epidemic whether they knew it or not.