The Real World

Happy young man

“Before coming to Narconon I was in a bad place. Now that I’ve gone through the program I feel so much better. I now feel prepared to go out into the world and start a healthy drug-free life. I now have the tools to be out in the real world without having to be worried about relapsing.

“Narconon is an awesome place, the staff is great and I have met so many awesome people. I can’t wait to go home and share my new self with my family.“

—Narconon Arrowhead Graduate

At Narconon Arrowhead we help people with addiction but not only that, we also help their families. It’s not easy living life as an addict—even for the families involved it is hard work for everyone. But, with all the caring staff at Narconon Arrowhead, we can truly help each and every student overcome addiction. For more information call today and let us help you!


Magan Kilgore

I am a 27 year old mother who loves to help people in many different ways. I truly believe in my heart, god put me on this earth to be a loving, caring, and a helping person.