The Truth Behind Marijuana


Heroin, oxycodone, meth those are the type of drug names you think of when you think about having to go to rehab. Not weed. Weed is harmless… way less of a problem than alcohol right?


Any addictive substance can be abused and will hurt you in the long run.

Marijuana comes from a plant which is why some people say it’s “good for you, Mother Nature grows it.” Cannabis is the Latin name for weed. People get high off of the THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) that occurs naturally in marijuana. It can be smoked (joint), eaten (pot brownies and other edibles), and even brewed as a tea. Each version gives you different results, but in the end, it is still the same.

The short-term effects are:

  • enhanced sensory perception,
  • euphoria,
  • drowsiness/relaxation,
  • slowed reaction time,
  • problems with balance and coordination,
  • increased heart rate and appetite,
  • problems with learning and memory,
  • hallucination,
  • anxiety,
  • panic attacks, and
  • psychosis

Additionally, the long-term effects of cannabis are:

  • mental health problems,
  • chronic cough, and
  • frequent respiratory infection

(Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2017)

When taking weed while young, it can also make you lose IQ points because the brain is still developing and the weed interrupts the growth process.

You can identify if someone is high by their bloodshot eyes, sleepy or lethargic state, their cravings for snacks, and their lack of coordination.

Marijuana users aren’t able to focus and/or might be confused and they want to talk all the time. They lose track of time and their grades might suffer or they will drop activities.

Marijuana is a gateway drug—while on it you are more trusting of people and willing to try new, harder drugs. Personally, the majority of the people I’ve seen getting high on weed then proceed to harder stuff. Don’t put yourself or a loved one at risk.


Magan Kilgore

I am a 27 year old mother who loves to help people in many different ways. I truly believe in my heart, god put me on this earth to be a loving, caring, and a helping person.