Triple Lithium Meth Causing Dangerous Psychotic Effects in Users

Triple Lithium Meth Causing Dangerous Psychotic Effects in Users

According to the Illinois Attorney General website, meth cannot be made without ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. These are substances found in over-the-counter cold medications such as Claritin, Sudafed and others. These two substances are THE essential ingredients in meth, and become meth through a chemical reaction. How the chemical reaction comes about is routinely done in one of two ways—the red-P method, or the Nazi method. It is the Nazi method that uses Lithium extracted from lithium batteries.

What is Lithium?

The poisonous ingredient in Lithium—is Lithium.

Lithium is a soft, silver-white metal. It is one of the chemical elements, and the lightest of the alkali metal group. Lithium Carbonate (or another lithium salt) is used as a drug purportedly for mood-stabilizing. According to the UK-based, how lithium works is not really known.

Lithium is also used to fuel torpedoes; to make a number of types of batteries, enamels, dyes, glass, ceramics and rubber products. Lithium is frequently used in compounds, one being Lithium Deuteride—used in H-bombs.

It begs the question as to how and why does a metal used in torpedo fuel, H-bombs, and a host of manufactured products find its way into the field of pharmaceuticals used for “mental health”?

What Is Lithium Toxicity?

According to UK-based online, a high a level of Lithium in the body can cause Lithium toxicity. It is potentially dangerous and causes severe side-effects.

Warning signs of Lithium toxicity include:

  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea
  • Blurred vision.

Dehydration (loss of body fluid through vomiting and diarrhea) can cause further increased Lithium levels.

Signs of a more dangerous level of Lithium toxicity include:

  • Shakiness—a marked tremor.
  • Slurred speech

As the Lithium levels gets even higher, signs may include:

Increased severity of confusion and drowsiness.

If person who has ingested Lithium, either as a pharmaceutical or contained in Meth, experiences any of the above symptoms—either mild or severe—seek medical attention.

The Nazi Method of Cooking Meth

The “Nazi method”, named such because it was used by the German government during World War II, is less commonly called the Birch reduction method.

The Nazi method combines ephedrine or pseudoephedrine with two additional ingredients: a liquefied fertilizer (anhydrous ammonia) and a metal—Lithium—extracted from lithium batteries. The chemical reaction turning ephedrine and pseudoephedrine into meth is the essential step; with more steps involved before—and after—the essential chemical reaction.

The 3x Lithium strips are frequently gotten by cutting open Energizer AA Lithium batteries. A quick online search reveals a variety of instructional advices and videos on how to cut open the batteries, and safely store the Lithium strip(s) until needed for meth manufacture. The dark irony of these instructions is the safety advices and warnings from the instruction authors to avoid sparks, and to avoid touching the Lithium strip with one’s bare hands. The real and deadly danger of manufacturing and using Lithium-containing meth compared to sparking seems lost on the authors, the cookers—and the users.

What Can Triple Lithium Meth Do to the Mind?

According to staff of the Oklahoma-based long-term drug and alcohol rehabilitation and education center, Narconon Arrowhead, their meth-addicted patients experienced severe mental consequences from using Lithium-containing meth.

“What we are seeing here with two of our meth addicted patients and others we have been exposed to are hallucinations/psychosis that is long term,” said one staff member.

“Meth and its chemicals are known to permeate the brain and linger. I believe the two people on our program would have no hope with conventional medical treatment programs. I was hoping to find some scientific documentation of these effects.”

“We have a meth cook who knows of another meth cook who would add 2 to 3 times the amount of lithium to his ’cooks’ to provide the schizoid effects; three of his ’clients’ had psychotic breaks resulting in arrest and self-harm, while another committed suicide.”

The toll is just too great.


Karen Hadley

For more than a decade, Karen has been researching and writing about drug trafficking, drug abuse, addiction and recovery. She has also studied and written about policy issues related to drug treatment.