Signs of Substance Abuse—How Family Members can Detect Addiction

Teenage girl depressed - drug use signs

Parents naturally have much to be concerned about when it comes to their kids and their kids’ well-being. It is totally normal for parents to fret about their children, regardless of their age. And parents will do just this too.

Regardless of the age of their children, be it adolescence, teen years, young adulthood, or full-fledged adults, parents will always express concern for their sons and daughters. It is just within their nature.

Physical Warning Signs of Drug Use in Teens

There are several, physical warning signs of drug use and addiction that parents should know to look for. Some of these are:

  • Bloodshot eyes, eyes appearing puffy, pupils dilated or constricted. Eyes not appearing normal.
  • Odd, seemingly inappropriate changes in appetite, sleeping patterns, or eating habits.
  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss with no reasonable explanation as to why.
  • A gradual deterioration in physical appearance. A cessation or reduction of personal grooming habits and hygiene.
  • Unusual smells on the breath, body, clothes, and possessions of the individual.
  • Noticeable tremors, impaired coordination, slurred speech, difficulty conversing, and a general “slowed” demeanor.
  • These are just a few of the physical warning signs of drug use. There are others, but the above are the most common and the easiest to observe.

Psychological Warning Signs of Drug Use in Teens

For psychological warning signs, parents have to be very observant and very sharp. These signs vary more, person to person, and they could be indicative of a lot more going on in a person’s life than just substance abuse. Such signs can include:

  • Unexplained, unwarranted, dramatic changes in personality and attitude. The individual has a complete shift in behavior, never for the better.
  • The person displays sudden mood swings, which can vary from complete, catatonic depression to full-on, angry outbursts.
  • The individual manifests sudden shifts from hyperactivity and giddiness to total lethargy and depression.
  • Anxiety, fear, paranoia, and heightened nervousness are also common.

A son or daughter’s psychological manifestations will vary greatly depending on what the individual is taking. Parents should be most alert to changes in mood, manner, or personality. It is these abrupt and unexplained shifts that are most indicative of drug abuse.

Behavioral Warning Signs of Drug Use in Teens

Father checking sons study scores

Behavioral warning signs are all about what a parent’s son or daughter does that is indicative of drug use. Again, we must be rather sharp here, as such behavior will vary depending on the person:

  • A drop in attendance or performance at work or school can be a clear sign of substance abuse.
  • If one’s son or daughter has sudden and unexplained financial problems, this too can be a sign.
  • A sudden change in friends, associates, lovers, favorite hangout spots and hobbies, this too can be a sign.
  • When a son or daughter, regardless of age, starts getting into trouble a lot, this is also a sign.

Behavior is a tricky one to graph universally because everyone acts in a way that is unique to their character. Again, parents should look out for rapid and unexplained changes in behavior.

Prevention is the Best Policy

The important thing to remember is that, while no, single, one sign is a sure indicator of drug abuse or alcohol misuse, what parents are looking for is a combination of several signs. This will be the best indication of substance misuse.

Parents need to be watchful, they need to nip any substance abuse in the bud quickly and handle it rapidly, and they need to talk to their kids and educate them about the risks of substance abuse so they know what is at stake. If they do, their children, no matter their age, will be far less likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol.




After working in addiction treatment for several years, Ren now travels the country, studying drug trends and writing about addiction in our society. Ren is focused on using his skill as an author and counselor to promote recovery and effective solutions to the drug crisis. Connect with Ren on LinkedIn.