Narconon Graduate

“Dear Friend,

“I am a forty-six-year-old man who has spent his whole life running and hiding. I endured some pretty severe emotional and mental abuse very young, that left me very shy and introverted. At six years old, I was traumatized by an angry father who was very hurt and had his own issues stemming from time spent in Vietnam, a failed marriage, infidelity, and alcoholism.

“I used to think that I was afraid of failures, successes, other people’s opinions of me, embarrassment, among other things.

“The truth is, I was just afraid to be ME!

“I was always trying to be cool and fit in. Dressing a certain way and talking a certain way because that’s what others were saying and how they were dressing.

“In the process, I lost myself.

“The only thing that I’ve ever really had any chance surviving at, really doing well at, is being myself, being ME. Because if I stop being me, what else is there but a lie? It’s no wonder I started drinking at thirteen years old and doing drugs and drinking on a regular basis at fifteen. When I was drunk and high I didn’t have to be me. I could just be drunk and high, and so started a long list of behavior that was contrary to my survival.

“I had dreams of becoming a football player. I also dreamt of pursuing a career in singing. These dreams fell short due to my lack of confidence in myself and the addictions that accompanied that feeling of not being okay.

“I’m in a program now where I’m rediscovering myself by simply realizing that I am okay and it’s okay to just be ME. I’m also learning about the behavior that supports survival. That lines up with the person I really am. Good behavior that encourages life for myself and for others to live it to our full potential. Life is good today and getting better.

“I encourage anyone reading this letter to be yourself and not be afraid. To avoid the trap of getting caught up in any group that tries to tell you that you have to be a certain way to fit in…”

“I encourage anyone reading this letter to be yourself and not be afraid. To avoid the trap of getting caught up in any group that tries to tell you that you have to be a certain way to fit in. You’re okay just how you are. People who do that usually aren’t alright with who they are, are often afraid to be themselves, or are hiding from things too. Stay true to yourself and do what’s right and it will help you stay away from things like addictions that only make you ’not face’ life and rob you of all the good things that it has to offer.

“Today, I can confront and face life. I can feel much more free. Free to turn away from any behavior that is contrary to my survival for myself and for others. The only group I care to be around today, is the one that wants me to be myself, wants me to survive and be happy, and desires for me to ’be myself’ and to live to my fullest potential without mood and mind altering substances. Today I know that any group that doesn’t do that will ultimately destroy me when all is said and done.”

“Best of Luck to YOU!”



Magan Kilgore

I am a 27 year old mother who loves to help people in many different ways. I truly believe in my heart, god put me on this earth to be a loving, caring, and a helping person.