My Future Has No Place for Drugs

Dustin - Narconon Arrowhead

I really don’t know the best way to summarize my time here at Narconon. That being said, I will do my best to guide you a brief synopsis of my wins and achievements.

I made many friends in my time here and memories that will last a lifetime. The long road ahead that is my future has no place for drugs or actions related to the demise of society.

“I know the errors of my ways, but no longer dwell on them, instead I look ahead with eager spirits of what is to come…”

I am proud to have learned skills and tools to ensure that my future is a happy and social one. I know the errors of my ways, but no longer dwell on them, instead, I look ahead with eager spirits of what is to come. Most importantly, I lead a drug-free life from now on.

I’d like to thank all the staff and students for helping me in my time here.

Dustin G.M.—Narconon Graduate 



Joanne is a veteran Narconon staff member who earlier worked at the New York Rescue Workers Detox Program.