A+ or Adderall Addiction?

Adderall addiction

We hear almost every day about how some college athletes are addicted to some drug or another, and for them, it’s for the pain to cope with the high contact sport. On the flip side, however, is high-pressure on the high grades. You might have heard of Adderall, or not, but it’s a drug that mostly treats the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and narcolepsy (a chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness).

People don’t really think about the stress on college students who are pushed by parents, teachers, and friends about getting and maintaining high grades. “…Full-time college students, between the ages of 18 and 22, were twice as likely to abuse Adderall than those of the same age and not in college,” says the National Survey on Drug Use and Health back in 2010’ (Keeler). Coupled with the competitive colleges and the high expectations of those students, Adderall is in high demand. Adderall helps students stay up late and study because the drug itself decreases restlessness and increases attention. Sounds harmless enough right? Wrong.

The side effects of abused drugs are horrible by any standard and no matter what you take. Adderall is no different. The normal side effects are headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, stomach upset, nausea, reduced appetite, digestive issues, diarrhea or constipation, anxiety, restlessness, pounding/fast heartbeat, difficulty sleeping and staying asleep, excessive fatigue, and changes in sex drive. Now if you abuse the drug the long term-high dosage effect is in addition to the aforementioned side effects. The long-term effects are weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, dizziness, slowed or difficult speech, chest pain, hives or rash, blistering or peeling skin, mania, seizures, paranoia, and aggressive behavior.

Not every athlete is a drug addict nor is every smart college student on Adderall, however it’s important to be aware and alert, and if you suspect something, you should know the signs. Help them if they are addicted. Adderall is just as serious as any other addiction even if it is just to help study.

Works Cited

Keeler, Meredith. Adderall addiction: Students misuse drug to gain boost while studying.


Magan Kilgore

I am a 27 year old mother who loves to help people in many different ways. I truly believe in my heart, god put me on this earth to be a loving, caring, and a helping person.