Narconon Blog
Dear Friend, I am a forty-six-year-old man who has spent his whole life running and hiding. I endured some pretty severe emotional and mental abuse very young, that left me very shy and introverted…
The Truth Behind Marijuana
Heroin, oxycodone, meth those are the type of drug names you think of when you think about having to go to rehab. Not weed. Weed is harmless… way less of a problem than alcohol right? Wrong. Any addictive substance can be abused and will hurt you in the long run.
Sober! Finally!
Before I got to Narconon, I had been drinking for 30 years I was taking eight different psychiatric medications, for the past 15 years.
Halloween Safety
Over the past few days, I have read many articles circulating through Facebook and the news media about ecstasy infused candy and Halloween. I thought it couldn’t be true. After research I was shocked to find that this was common, even in my small town.
Empty and Alone: My Worst Mistake
I felt so empty inside. I was worn down and felt so alone. I just wanted it all to stop. My name is Bradley and this is why I am glad I chose Narconon.…
I Was Battling a War Against the Urge to Use.
I Was Battling a War Against the Urge to Use. Going to Narconon Arrowhead drug rehabilitation center, was the best choice I have made in my life. I decided to turn my life around, after actively doing drugs to the point that I lost everything.
I Was Going Down a Road that Would Inevitably Come to a Dead End…Literally.
When I first came to Narconon I was not a happy person. I had been on pain medications for almost 6 years. For a while, I had wanted to be free from the trap I had fallen into, but had no idea how to do it. I was losing myself as well as everything and everyone around me.
A+ or Adderall Addiction?
We hear almost every day about how some college athletes are addicted to some drug or another, and for them, it’s for the pain to cope with the high contact sport. On the flip side, however, is high-pressure on the high grades.
A Scary Night on the Road—Halloween DUI
In October of 2012 I finally got the reality check I needed. I, along with many other college students, spent way too much time drinking and having fun than actually going to class and paying attention.
My Cousin Tim
I had a cousin named Tim. He was an amazing guy growing up always, laughing and having a good time. Tim was the type of person who drew people to him and was always kind no matter the circumstance. He would literally give someone the shirt off of his back to make sure someone did not go without.