Given Hope Again

When I arrived at Narconon, I was a broken man. I had given up fighting my addiction and was basically preparing myself for homelessness and, from there, an even darker existence. After arriving, I was still hesitant to have faith in myself, but the Withdrawal staff helped me gain back a portion of myself because they wanted to help, and I could tell. In my experience, that was a rare trait. I made gains and started feeling better. At that time, I decided to put my all into working the program to the best of my ability. I wanted what this program had to offer desperately and did everything I could to get it. Fortunately, the people here were more than happy to help me with my goals.
After finishing sauna, I felt immediately better physically, and Objectives cleared me mentally. I feel so much more confident in myself and my ability to communicate with others and also being able to communicate with myself. I feel a better understanding of my physical body and a mental awareness I have not had in a long, long time. The ability to be in the present time is a fantastic achievement for me. I used to be dominated by past failures and fear of the future. I now understand that existing that way held me back in so many ways, and I am able to take things as they are and deal with them now and not later.
My mind feels faster, clearer, and more reflexive in so many ways. I see things and register them as quickly as I can comprehend their being. There is no delay or cloud surrounding anything anymore. My clarity is amazing to me at this point.
I was worried about the portion of the program where you confront past transgressions, but I wrote what I could remember and wrote truthfully. Never once did I feel like I was being judged or that others were looking down on me. It was a fantastic and very freeing feeling. I will be forever grateful to the staff for that.
Working the Life Skills portion got me much better prepared for the life I want and helped me relearn the person I wanted to be. Other places I’ve been telling you that you should improve relationships, leaving you saying, “Well, how?” There’s a book here that shows you exactly how and explains what to do.
While here, I have improved my relationship with my parents and started to repair my relationship with my wife and kids. They can see the change in me and are proud of me for the first time in a very long time.
“Narconon has given me something I was certain
I would never have again: hope.”
From doing this, I feel like a new person and want to see what my future can be like instead of dreading it. I am so grateful; words can’t describe it to all the staff and students for helping me regain myself through this. My goal now is to join the staff and try my best to give back what I have been given.
— Jeremy S., Narconon Arrowhead Graduate