Elaine M.

Elaine has always loved helping people and has always focused on service, which led her to Narconon Arrowhead in 2017. She soon discovered that her true passion is helping people regain control of their lives through drug and alcohol rehabilitation. She is currently Executive Director of Narconon Arrowhead. In her spare time, Elaine enjoys crocheting and cuddling with her cats.

Elaine M. in Drug Information
August 15, 2024

MDMA – Not Just a Club Drug Any More

The use of MDMA/Ecstasy, once the club drug of choice, is expanding beyond that culture, and it becomes even more dangerous when combined with other substances.


Elaine M. in Drug Rehab
August 1, 2024

Why Rehab Is The Right Choice to Handle Addiction

This article addresses 10 reasons to choose a rehab to handle addiction. Many people battle substance abuse on a daily basis. Some believe that there is no way out of the downward spiral. Families may experience feeling hopeless about helping their loved one. While overcoming addiction can be an uphill battle, it is possible to escape the trap of substance abuse.


Elaine M. in Family Addiction
July 25, 2024

Recovery From Opioid Addiction is Possible

Recovery from addiction is possible and knowing what to expect during the process can help ease the transition for both former addicts and their families.


Elaine M. in Success Story
June 27, 2024

More Than 15 Years of Continued Sobriety After Completing the Narconon Program

Hi all, it’s been more than 15 years of being sober this coming July, and I could not be more proud of myself. I’m also full of appreciation. I come from Venezuela, but I did my program in 2004 at Narconon Arrowhead.


Elaine M. in Health risks
June 20, 2024

Summer Holds Increased Danger for Drug and Alcohol Users

Summer has arrived, and with it comes sunshine, vacations, barbecues, and social gatherings of all kinds. But for those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, summer can bring additional threats. While summer is enjoyed by many, the addition of heat and changes in routines can bring about additional dangers...


Elaine M. in Family Addiction
November 18, 2021

Three Common Misconceptions about Drug and Alcohol Treatment

There is so much information about drug and alcohol rehabilitation today that it can be a challenge to distinguish between fact and fiction. It can be easy to get so overwhelmed by all the information out there that it is difficult to make an informed decision.


Elaine M. in Success Story
October 21, 2021

I Found a New Path to a Bright Future with No Regret

Before I came here, my mom would talk about how what I’m doing to myself was killing her too! I can see that MOM is now full of life too, and that is really cool. I have a passion for life again, not just a body that’s going through the motions.


Elaine M. in Success Story
September 23, 2021

My Family Now Sees ME, Not the Person My Addiction Turned Me Into

When I graduated from the Narconon program it was great, this was the hardest and most rewarding thing I have done for myself. I am looking forward to never having to leave my kids again because of drugs, and I am looking forward to never having issues with my husband over drugs.


Elaine M. in Success Story
September 2, 2021

Contentment without Drugs Is Possible

I am excited about what is to come. I am content. To the ones that are still struggling… contentment without drugs is possible. Narconon can give to you what it gave to me.


Elaine M. in Success Story
August 12, 2021

I Found Myself

After completing the program, for the first time in my life, I can say that I'm not that broken girl anymore.