I Have Hope. I Have Love. I Have Life.

Carl by the lake

When I walked into Narconon Arrowhead 3 months ago, I was sick, I was scared, and I was ashamed. My life was not my life. My body was not my body. My spirit was crushed, and I felt alone. I had one thing, though, and that was a commitment to myself and my family that I would stick it out. I would get clean.

Each day, almost imperceptible at first, I got better. I started to see the world around me again. In that world were loving, caring people who were committed to me and my decision to live a drug-free life. I also met people like me who were getting better, day by day. Hour by hour the sauna cleansed my body. I felt like a real person again. I walked into the course room and through such simple commands, I slowly started to interact and regain control of my body, my mind, and the world around me. I was laughing and smiling and singing again. I looked at my life, the people in my life, and the choices that had brought me to the brink of losing it all, and I chose a new life.

“Tomorrow I will walk out of Narconon Arrowhead with renewed hope, a healthy body, and a knowing that the past is in the past.”

Tomorrow I will walk out of Narconon Arrowhead with renewed hope, a healthy body, and a knowing that the past is in the past. I have a plan. I have hope. I have love. I have life. Thank you so much for these beautiful gifts. My success is also yours.

Carl, Graduate Narconon Arrowhead


Fio Magliola

I was studying at the University of Florida when hurricane Harvey hit. The destruction that Harvey wrought opened my eyes to the world and those that were in desperate need of help. Since then, I found my calling at Narconon Arrowhead where I have helped hundreds of individuals move on to live new, drug-free lives.