Thanks Narconon for helping me to better myself as a person

“Growing up with a great family in a beautiful mountain town, the cold rough pavement of sleeping on the street was foreign to me.
Me, no not me. I always thought I wouldn’t be that guy.
During the span of my drug use I had been in and out of several rehabilitation centers over the years. I would find a place where I could get some help and then leave, choosing the drugs over a life of recovery. The pull towards the drugs seemed overwhelming, and it felt as if there was no way out.
My family was always supportive of me getting help. Even after all that I had put them through, they were there for me.
My grandfather had been doing some research online and found the Narconon program. I was at the point in my life when I didn’t want to live the way I had been any more. I called and spoke with an intake counselor and the next day I was on a plane to treatment.
This is the first time that I was actually excited to go to treatment and to get better. It was a relief that I had finally found a treatment center that was not twelve step.
When I arrived at Narconon I was amazed at how amazing the staff was and how welcoming the environment is. I was overwhelmed with relief after I got there and saw the home like environment instead of an institutional setting.
All the way through the program I learned more and more about myself and why it is I behaved like I did. I learned about the freedom that I have as a person, not the label that I carried as an addict. People going through the Narconon program are referred to as students, not addicts or patients. I found this very supportive in my recovery as I am leaving the old life behind me.
After I got out of the Withdrawal phase, the New Life Detoxification was next up. Sitting in a sauna and sweating wasn’t really my cup of tea. I was unsure about the New Life Detoxification when I first heard about it, but by half way through I was so grateful that I was doing it. I could feel the toxins from years of putting substances in my body coming out. I began thinking clearer and feeling healthier as I went along.
After I got out of the New Life Detoxification I moved on to the course work. In this phase of the program, I began to really gain control back over my actions and my life. As I regained control, I was able to begin fixing the problems I had created with other people in my life. Before I knew it I was graduating the program. I remember my grandfather watching me graduate and how happy he looked. I have never seen him that proud of me before.
I have been sober for just over a year now and owe my thanks to the Narconon program for helping me to better myself as a person, and bring me closer to my family.
I have a life now that I could only have imagined a couple of years ago. I am so grateful that I took the right chances and had faith that the Narconon Program would help me. I have never been more excited to see what each new day brings.
Thank you Narconon.”
No need to add words to this amazing story! The Narconon Program is unique in its field. Through the steps of the program a person not only becomes drug-free, but they learn the tools to live a better life. We get many stories like this one everyday from all over the world. Yours could be the next.
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