Saving Your Own Life!
An Easter time Story
In this important holiday season when we celebrate new life and rededicate ourselves to our core values, it might be nice to share a life saved from the modern terror of drug addiction.
Jamie F. is a young woman who just saved her life from a disintegrating spiral into drug abuse, misery, and worse.
“I had made myself unconfrontable,” Jamie says. “I got so bad with drugs that I just went ahead and did them in front of my family. I didn’t care if they knew or not. After all, I was lying and stealing, doing anything to get drugs. What a mess I was then.”
But then she found out about Narconon Arrowhead in Oklahoma and its drug-free life skills program. Jamie had gotten to the point where she was willing to get help. “Just barely willing when I came in,” she admits. “I was a hard case for the Narconon staff to handle at the beginning. But they didn’t give up on me.”
At her recent graduation where she celebrated her program completion, other students stood and congratulated her for persisting through to the end, and also agreeing with her that she was a tough nut to crack at first. There was a lot of laughter.
It was only about two months ago that Jamie arrived, but here she was, standing in front of her friends on Good Friday, wishing them well and receiving their good wishes.
She looked very good, shiny, with a nice pink glow about her. Perfect for Easter weekend.
Gary Smith, director of Narconon Arrowhead, also spoke. “We can do a lot here,” he said, “but not without the true, willing participation of the student. And you really got on board, Jamie, and really did your program. We are so proud of you and are sure you will do just fine!”
Jamie had arrived, tied up in a knot of challenging drugs – heroin, cocaine, and Xanax. After she got through withdrawal, she went on to cleanse her body of drug residuals with the New Life Sauna Detoxification, composed of exercise, special nutritional supplementation, and periods of sweating in a well-ventilated, dry, low-heat sauna, with lots of breaks to rehydrate and cool off. Then she did life skills courses to give her the tools to confront and handle real life without drugs. “I’m ready!” said Jamie. She certainly looks it. And good luck to her.
Narconon Arrowhead is certified with the Oklahoma Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and since 1992 has been nationally accredited by CARF, the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
For more information on the Narconon Arrowhead drug rehabilitation program, call us.
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