Narconon Blog
Types of Prescription Painkillers
Prescription painkillers are a growing problem in this country as the opioid epidemic only continues to become worse. The increasing number of prescriptions being written is adding to this figure and so is the occurrence of abuse and addiction to these drugs.
Signs of Ecstasy Use
Ecstasy is a dangerous and lethal synthetic drug that is particularly popular in the clubs, but it is becoming increasingly abused and addicted by many. The effects of ecstasy use can include altered mood and perception as well as paranoia.
Mescaline Abuse
Mescaline is a hallucinogenic drug that can have dangerous and severe side effects. Hallucinogens can alter one’s behavior and perceptions, rendering the user unable to differentiate between reality and fiction.
What Are Bath Salts and How Are They Abused
Synthetic drugs are rising in their popularity as more and more people are using and becoming addicted to them. Bath salts or Synthetic cathinones are an extremely dangerous stimulant with lethal consequences.
Identifying a Heroin User By Their Pupils
Heroin is a member of the opiate family of drug substances, and as such is one of the most potent and addictive drugs currently in existence.
Is Your Lifestyle Putting You at Risk for Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a highly dangerous and addictive drug that can cause severe damage to the body. Lifestyles can be a risk factor as the need to stay alert, awake, and focused can lead to an abuse of the drug.
Methadone Treatment: Why It’s a Dangerous Approach to Addiction
Methadone is used to help in the treatment of opiate addiction but as a synthetic opiate drug itself, it can have adverse effects and turn into an addiction.
The Many Faces of Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine and crystal methamphetamine are both highly addictive, powerful, and dangerous drugs that cause immense damage to the body. These drugs are also extremely lethal, especially when smoked or injected.
How Summer Heat Increases the Dangers of Club Drugs
Club drugs are dangerous year-round, but the increase in the temperature during the summer plays a critical role in their effects on the body.
Long Term vs. Short Term: Timeline of Heroin Effects on Body
Heroin has become a very common and widely abused drug and an addiction for some. Sadly, the side effects of the short and long-term use of heroin can have severe and damaging consequences.