Ren in Prescription drugs
October 30, 2019

Is it Possible to Achieve Pain Relief Without Using Painkillers?

One would hope we were approaching a point where the American people and the medical industry is fully aware of the risks and dangers connected with opioid painkillers. “Opioids are a last resort for chronic pain management.”


Ren in Drug Prevention
February 16, 2019

Addiction and Loneliness

The drug addiction problem in our country continues to grow, and as it does, our efforts to understand it increase in tandem. There is new data, new research, and new conclusions that link opioid addiction to loneliness.


Ren in Drug Information
December 16, 2018

What is Kratom?

A growing drug trend has surfaced in the U.S. which supports the use of an organic drug called kratom. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, kratom is the term for the tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) . This tree is native to Southeast Asia.