Narconon Blog


Elaine M. in News
November 21, 2024

Narconon Arrowhead Strengthens Community Bonds at Recent Open House

A powerful display of community support and recovery unfolded at Narconon Arrowhead’s recent open house event. The gathering brought together program graduates, local residents, and staff members, highlighting the vital role that community connections play in successful drug rehabilitation.


Ren in News
February 8, 2024

Methamphetamine Overdose Deaths on the Rise in Indian Country

Methamphetamine is an addictive drug that causes several harmful effects in users, including addiction, long-term health conditions, and death. While anyone can become hooked on the drug and while meth-related deaths are climbing nationwide, studies show meth addiction and death are having a disproportionate effect on Native American communities, particularly on Native American youths.


Ren in News
May 31, 2023

Recent Police Raids Show Meth Is the Biggest Drug Problem in Oklahoma

A recent drug bust in Oklahoma was so alarming that the event made national headlines and prompted Oklahoma law enforcement to perform a broader investigation into drug seizures in the state.


Staff Writer in News
March 16, 2021

Drug Overdose Deaths Rise During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although it is no longer making the headlines, another pandemic in America rages on. A pandemic made worse by COVID-19.


Ren in News
February 2, 2020

Seattle, Addiction, and Getting Addicts Help

There are lots of ideas about how to tackle addiction, many of them excellent ideas. But one concept is agreed upon amongst a considerable majority of Americans: We need to move away from the constant criminalization and incarceration of addicts and drug users.


Ren in News
December 5, 2019

How Communities Can Create a Safe Environment for Addiction Recovery

For decades, the War on Drugs, part of a punitive, incarceration-based system has been the state and federal approach to crimes of drug possession and drug use. But a recent story in USA Today talked about a community in the Chicago area that is offering an olive branch to addicts.


Ren in News
May 3, 2019

Evidence Now Links Kratom to Overdose Deaths

In an age where the legality and use of drugs are heatedly debated, it’s big news when new data comes out regarding a popular drug and the real risks that its use carries. Case in point, there is a new development in the works regarding kratom, a natural, plant-based drug native to Southeast Asia.


Ren in News
March 13, 2019

Tulsa, Oklahoma Sets the Stage for Directing Addicts to Treatment, Not Jail

Good news out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The city implemented a “sobering center” about six months ago. A facility where individuals detained for public intoxication can go instead of jail. Sobering centers are good alternatives to jail time, as such centers specialize in referring addicts to addiction treatment and recovery instead of just putting them through time served.


Ren in News
October 14, 2018

Drug Overdoses and Organ Donors—A Debatable Issue

Who would have thought that the American overdose epidemic of the 21st century would have led to a “silver lining” of sorts? Yes, though sadness and misery abound as the death toll from drugs peaked sixty-four thousand in 2016, one silver lining in the morass of depression from the death toll…