I Call It the Devil’s Drug

My friend told me he calls it the “devil’s drug.” That’s Heroin.
He told me that when you are in the grip of this drug, it’s as if you are “possessed.” You live for nothing else but the next fix. He said when he was on Heroin he had no moral values. He lost his job. He lost his friends. He lost his family. He lost anyone who ever cared about him.
He was living in filth and dirt. Trash on the floor, he was sleeping in his own urine.
He was living in another world. What seems normal to us all—your family, your job, hobbies—nothing mattered.
He was negative, aggressive and sick.
And nothing would “make him feel better” but the next fix.
I am glad my friend made his way out of this addiction.
But once you are in this hell—it is jail, death or rehab. Those are the choices. For some, it comes sooner, some last months, a year and sometimes longer. But that’s not the kind of life anyone wants. Is that living?
How is it that heroin has become so commonplace in today’s culture?
If you suspect someone is using heroin or other opiates, learn more about the signs of heroin use.