Narconon Blog


Joanne in Drugs
March 1, 2018

Is Marijuana Healthy?

Considering more than 1 in 3 people in America have tried marijuana at one point in their lives, it might seem like it’s just a harmless herb. That would be far from the truth.


Joanne in Drugs
February 10, 2018

The Dangers of Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs are extremely dangerous and harmful as they are comprised of synthetic substances and can do great damage to the body. LSD, Spice, Molly, and meth are all types of synthetic drugs, each with powerful side effects.


Joanne in Drugs
December 26, 2017

Facts About Hallucinogens

Drug abuse is a growing epidemic as more people are becoming addicted to various drugs. Hallucinogenic drugs are also adding to this problem as drugs like LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine, and DMT are widely abused.


JT in Drugs
November 15, 2017

The Meth In The Mirror

Even after only a few short weeks of using Crystal Meth, a person can become something totally different from who they really are. They look and act completely unlike themselves, even when standing right in front of you.


JT in Drugs
October 30, 2017

16-Year-Old Dies from Inhaling Air Freshener

Drugs. When someone hears this word they usually think of heroine, meth, pain pills, marijuana and others. What if I were to tell you that drugs could also be found at your house, the dollar store or even the local gas station?


Magan Kilgore in Drugs
October 14, 2017

The Lies About Drugs

There are many lies about abusing drugs which the general population believe are true, which opens the door to illegal drug use. These lies, to name a few, are: That drugs just run themselves out of the body and only have short-term effects.


Magan Kilgore in Drugs
October 1, 2017

I Call It the Devil’s Drug

My friend told me he calls it the “devil’s drug.” That’s Heroin. He told me that when you are in the grip of this drug you, it’s as if you are “possessed.” You live for nothing else but the next fix. He said when he was on Heroin he had no moral values. He lost his job. He lost his friends.


Magan Kilgore in Drugs
September 26, 2017


Ecstasy “molly,” was originally created in 1912 as a possible blood clotting agent by the German pharmaceutical company Merck, according to archival research of that company’s records in 2006 the Medical Journal of Addiction. It underwent animal testing but wasn’t tried on humans until the 1950s.


Erica in Drugs
July 18, 2017

Signs of Ecstasy Use

Ecstasy is a dangerous and lethal synthetic drug that is particularly popular in the clubs, but it is becoming increasingly abused and addicted by many. The effects of ecstasy use can include altered mood and perception as well as paranoia.


Erica in Drugs
July 17, 2017

Mescaline Abuse

Mescaline is a hallucinogenic drug that can have dangerous and severe side effects. Hallucinogens can alter one’s behavior and perceptions, rendering the user unable to differentiate between reality and fiction.