Ren in News
March 13, 2019

Tulsa, Oklahoma Sets the Stage for Directing Addicts to Treatment, Not Jail

Good news out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The city implemented a “sobering center” about six months ago. A facility where individuals detained for public intoxication can go instead of jail. Sobering centers are good alternatives to jail time, as such centers specialize in referring addicts to addiction treatment and recovery instead of just putting them through time served.


Cristina in Success Story
July 15, 2016

Narconon is a great program!

“I came to Narconon on my 18th birthday. My dad was trying to get me here when I was 16, but I was not agreeing to go to rehab and I was not old enough. When I turned 18 my dad got me a plane ticket and sent me here. I was thankful for the chance.