Kratom: Will “Wonder Drugs” Never Cease?

Kratom has been called a “wonder drug” by some. Others call it a “dietary or herbal supplement”. The Mayo Clinic calls it “unsafe and ineffective” and says that “research shows little promise”. Kratom has increased in popularity and use in recent years and has been designated as the cause of overdose deaths.


Ren in Drug Information
January 25, 2020

Unregulated Substances Are Often Not What They Appear to Be – Part #1

What is the real deal behind unregulated substances such as Kratom?


Ren in News
May 3, 2019

Evidence Now Links Kratom to Overdose Deaths

In an age where the legality and use of drugs are heatedly debated, it’s big news when new data comes out regarding a popular drug and the real risks that its use carries. Case in point, there is a new development in the works regarding kratom, a natural, plant-based drug native to Southeast Asia.


Ren in Drug Information
December 16, 2018

What is Kratom?

A growing drug trend has surfaced in the U.S. which supports the use of an organic drug called kratom. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, kratom is the term for the tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) . This tree is native to Southeast Asia.