Narconon Blog


What is Drug Addiction and How Does Family Intervention Help?

Drug addiction is a strong compulsive action or drug-seeking behavior to use drugs or alcohol despite the undesirable effects and dangerous consequences that are likely to occur.


Growing Need for Alcohol Intervention Explained

Alcohol abuse is an on-going issue in the United States. The problem impacts millions of Americans. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, among people aged 12 or older, 50.8% or 139.7 million Americans had consumed alcohol in the past month.


What is Alcohol Addiction and Does Alcohol Intervention Help?

An alcohol intervention is one of the most common interventions performed because of how stubborn and uncooperative alcoholics become. Hiring a professional interventionist increases success and is beneficial to the family as well as the alcoholic. Alcohol intervention does help, and here are some reasons why.


Does Family Intervention Work Without a Certified Interventionist?

Frequently, after researching interventions, families decide that they can go it alone, without a professional. In this case, the family members and close friends plan and perform an intervention without hiring a professional interventionist. But is this wise?


Is 2021 Going to See an Increased Need for Rehabilitation and Family Intervention?

The treatment gap in the United States is quite large, per the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The strategies used to increase access to effective treatment involve achieving insurance parity, reducing stigma, and raising awareness among both patients and healthcare professionals of the value of addiction treatment.


Alcohol Intervention and Having a Successful Intervention

An alcohol intervention is a professionally led meeting with the help of an interventionist to discuss a loved one’s drinking behaviors and how it impacts them and the people around them.


An Open Letter to the Parents of Addicts

Do you feel lost? Desperate? Hopeless? With no end to this never-ending nightmare in sight? Having a son or daughter battling with drug or alcohol addiction and wreaking havoc on their lives and the lives of those that love them, is, without question, one of the most excruciatingly painful experiences a parent can have. Many parents feel dealing with an addicted loved one is worse than death. At least with death, there can be some sort of closure, albeit, not the closure we might desire.


Ren in Intervention
June 24, 2018

The Power of Intervention: You Can Convince an Addict to Get Help

When we witness the crippling aspects of drug and alcohol addiction, they are so serious, so impacting, and so depressing, we feel it is very easy to fall into the concept that one cannot do anything to create a positive change in a person who struggles with a drug habit.