Kratom: Will “Wonder Drugs” Never Cease?

Kratom has been called a “wonder drug” by some. Others call it a “dietary or herbal supplement”. The Mayo Clinic calls it “unsafe and ineffective” and says that “research shows little promise”. Kratom has increased in popularity and use in recent years and has been designated as the cause of overdose deaths.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
March 12, 2019

Pharmaceutical Giant Struggles to Produce a Drug Which Can “Treat” Opioid Addiction

Since the opioid crisis fully developed within the U.S. over the last two decades, pharmaceutical companies came under heavy inspection and even ruthless accusation from the American people. And not without good reason.


Ren in Drug-Related News
February 12, 2019

Saving a Life – How We Can Use Technology and Other Innovations to Prevent Overdose Deaths

They say there’s an app for everything now, and if that’s not yet true, we’re probably getting there. Technology has expanded so immensely in the last 2-3 decades that even the sky is no longer the limit in how far we can go.


Karen Hadley in Drug Information
August 29, 2016

Why Reformulating Painkillers is No Solution to Oklahoma’s Pill Abuse Problem

In the last several years, there's been a trend toward the reformulation of prescription opioids so as to prevent their abuse. While there might have been good intentions to prevent people from becoming addicted or overdosing by changing this formulation, that is not and will never be an effective solution.