Ren in Alcohol
January 27, 2021

What Is the True Cost of Alcohol?

Alcohol consumption is an accepted aspect of American culture. It would be wise to temper this notion however because alcohol consumption comes with a long list of harmful effects.


Ren in Alcohol
September 23, 2019

The Silent Generation Is Silent on Alcohol Misuse

When we think of drug and alcohol addiction, we almost always think of grown adults or young adults. Sometimes we think of teenagers or adolescents. But we rarely think of senior citizens, the demographic over the age of 65. And that’s a big mistake.


Ren in Alcohol
January 6, 2019

Are There Different Levels of Alcohol Addiction?

One concept that gets tossed around is this idea of there being different “levels” of drinking. This could lead to the conclusion that some types of drinking are “okay,” and others are not. You see this show up in common phrases such as “problem drinking,” “drinking to get drunk,” “trouble drinking,” “daily drinking,” “at-risk drinking,” “binge drinking,” “excessive drinking,” etc.