Narconon Blog
From an Opiate Addict: A Day Addicted to Opiates
Opiates are the most addictive and dangerous drug and for an opiate addict, their life revolves around getting the next fix and high. It is all they think about and all they have time for. Getting high is their life.
Street Opiates or Doctor Prescribed Opiates: What’s the Difference?
Street opiates and doctor prescribed opiates are both opium based drugs and extremely addictive. However, street opiates are easier to attain as a prescription is not needed and are usually injected intravenously, producing a much deadlier effect.
OxyContin: Why It’s So Addictive and How to Get Help
Prescription drugs are being prescribed now more than ever before and unfortunately, more people are also becoming addicted to them. Painkillers are by far the most addictive as they are used to help alleviate pain, but the body builds a tolerance over time and as a result, abuse of them occurs.
Opiate Warning: Hydromorphone, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone
Opiate abuse has become an epidemic as more people are treating pain with prescription drugs and becoming dependent on them. The most prescribed drugs are oxycodone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone, which are all highly addictive and can have deadly consequences.
Is Your Family Member Struggling With Opiate Dependence
Opiate dependence is a growing problem and addicts are becoming more adept at hiding the dependence from everyone, including loved ones. However, there are a number of signs that indicate your loved one is opiate dependent and it is important to help them seek treatment.