Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Addiction
September 20, 2020

One in Ten Americans Uses Painkillers

It’s a shocking statistic that one in ten Americans uses painkiller drugs. But that is the brutal truth, and it’s a level of use that must be addressed. There is no reason why ten percent of the U.S. population should be prescribed addictive pain drugs, especially without considering the horrific and even potentially fatal side effects of such drugs.


JT in Addiction
December 1, 2017

The Environmental Factors of Addiction

Adapting and responding to a person’s surroundings is the way people seem to live. In response to this, when we are talking about addiction, we can point out social and environmental factors that can make a person more susceptible to drugs.


Erica in Prescription drugs
July 24, 2017

Types of Prescription Painkillers

Prescription painkillers are a growing problem in this country as the opioid epidemic only continues to become worse. The increasing number of prescriptions being written is adding to this figure and so is the occurrence of abuse and addiction to these drugs.


Erica in Drug abuse
May 1, 2017

How Prescription Meds Can Lead to Heroin Addiction

Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic and a chronic problem that has highly addictive properties, similar to those in heroin. This abuse can then lead to an addiction to heroin as it is more accessible since you do not need a prescription.