Narconon Blog
The Most Lethal Drugs in the U.S.
According to a U.S. News article, 70,237 drug overdose deaths occurred in the U.S. in 2017. That number was up 10.4 percent from the 63,632 people who died from drug overdoses in 2016. Overdose deaths are on the rise in America, and they have been since the turn of the century.
Signs of Substance Abuse—How Family Members can Detect Addiction
Parents naturally have much to be concerned about when it comes to their kids and their kids’ well-being. It is totally normal for parents to fret about their children, regardless of their age. And parents will do just this too.

My Advice to Parents
I lost my best friend last June from a drug overdose. I told him to stop many times before. He didn’t want to listen. When he died I didn't shed a tear on his casket—I just whispered “That's what he likes“ and “Now lay on it.“ I was so mad. I jus did not understand.
Prescriptions of Death
Just this past week, we had a mother call the Narconon Arrowhead’s Drug Rehabilitation and Education Helpline. She was from Bentonville, AR desperately asking for help with her son’s addiction. Apparently, the son had an old sports injury causing him some major pain which leads to his Doctor prescribing an opioid therapy and it wasn’t long before her son was abusing the drug, which isn’t surprising considering that 1 in 5 people prescribed opioids by their Doctor get addicted.
Drug Personality Discovered
The behavior of an addict can be frustrating, baffling, frightening and yes, sad. The mind-altering power of addictive substances is so strong that many people are overwhelmed. Their actions and words are dictated by their drive for more drugs.
How to Prevent Your Teen From Abusing Inhalants
When you think of drugs, one will typically think of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc., but one drug that is not quite as classifiable are inhalants. These include volatile solvents, aerosol sprays, gases, and nitrites, all of which can be inhaled in order to become high. Unfortunately, teens are the likeliest to abuse inhalants as they are more readily available.
The Dangers of Injecting, Snorting, & Smoking Heroin
There are multiple ways to abuse drugs and alcohol, none of them good, or beneficial, or safe in any way.
From an Opiate Addict: A Day Addicted to Opiates
Opiates are the most addictive and dangerous drug and for an opiate addict, their life revolves around getting the next fix and high. It is all they think about and all they have time for. Getting high is their life.
From Student to Addict
Around this time of the year, in any library around the US, students are cramming last minute for their college finals. With the endless stress and crumbling pressure the college life can present, an easy ’fix’ can be very tempting to the overworked students.
We Can Just Get Help Right After Christmas… Right?
The holidays are the time of the year that we spend with our family and friends. We enjoy each other’s company, reflecting on the year, catching up with loved ones we have not seen in a while. The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year—or at least that is what we want them to be.