Narconon Blog
There is No “Magic Pill” to Getting Clean from Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is no small habit, no simple affliction which can be easily remedied. Getting off of drugs and alcohol takes work, effort, time, commitment, and a powerful determination to get better.
How Should We Treat Addicts in Our Society?
We can all agree that our nation is struggling with a difficult substance abuse crisis. But what we can’t seem to agree on is how we are going to address this problem. Time and time again, we have the proof displayed for all to see that rampant incarceration, stereotyping, and criminalization of drug users does not work.
Addiction Rehab Centers Rebuild Lives
When we think of drug and alcohol rehab centers, what is our first thought? Most likely, our first and only thought is that drug and alcohol rehab centers are places where people go to get off of drugs and alcohol.
How Every American Can Do Their Part to Reduce the Drug Problem
It goes without saying that our country has been struggling with a pretty significant drug problem for quite some time now. The United States of America has been a hotspot for addiction, drug abuse, and alcohol misuse for almost two decades in a row.
Narconon Friends and Family
In the fifty-plus years that Narconon has been helping people recover from the scourge of drug and alcohol abuse, we come across people with the biggest hearts and smiles. Narconon graduates Rianna and JR are prime examples of those big hearts and smiles.
Another “Win” for Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri might be inundated with drug and alcohol addiction but it has success stories for which the citizens of Kansas City can take pride.
Drug Crisis in Muskogee
Muskogee, Oklahoma is the epicenter of the drug crisis in Oklahoma. Cody McDonell, the State of Oklahoma’s health department public information officer said, “The 2016 county-level data from the Oklahoma Prescription Monitoring Program indicates the opioid prescribing rate for Muskogee County is 38% higher than the state average.”
Drug-Free Life with Drug-Free Rehabilitation
In America, we have a pill for just about everything. But, is that pop-a-pill hyper-culture what’s stopping Americans from living a drug-free life?
Addict Stigma: Killing Americans
We all know the harshness of war with the bullets flying and the bombs dropping and the crazy war movies that follow, heck, the national media never seem to give up talking about the victims, and the chaos and showing the flag-draped caskets carried off the planes by military honor guards…
5 Myths about Drug and Alcohol Addiction
With over 23 Million Americans suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction in the United States, it’s fair to say that we have a drug addiction crisis on our hands. Here are the 5 Myths about Addiction.