Kratom – Not As Harmless As It’s Made Out To Be

“Kratom is okay because it’s plant-based.” “Kratom is harmless.” “Kratom doesn’t have any bad side effects.” “Kratom doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms.” Those statements are claims made by proponents of kratom. If that’s all you look at, you might think it’s safe to use kratom. But how much of that is actually true?


Xylazine Is Becoming Increasingly Destructive

As if opiates, and fentanyl specifically, weren't enough to battle, the addition of Xylazine to other street drugs is increasing the risk of using these drugs. Xylazine is a sedative used in veterinary medicine. It currently has no approved uses for humans because of its adverse effects of necrotic skin ulcers if injected, sedation, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, slowed heart rate, and coma.


Ren in News
May 31, 2023

Recent Police Raids Show Meth Is the Biggest Drug Problem in Oklahoma

A recent drug bust in Oklahoma was so alarming that the event made national headlines and prompted Oklahoma law enforcement to perform a broader investigation into drug seizures in the state.


Ren in Drug-Related News
October 6, 2021

Overdose Deaths from Illicit Tranquilizers Up 520 Percent During Pandemic

While 2020 brought a shocking surge in opioid overdose deaths, another form of drug overdose also got much worse that year. Unfortunately, this one did not receive anywhere near the coverage. Benzodiazepine-related overdoses skyrocketed 520% in one year, raising alarms among public health officials and families alike, yet going almost completely unreported in the media.


Ren in National News
February 22, 2020

What is the Real Scope of Drug Deaths in America?

Every year we're given clear reports on drug deaths in America. But new data suggests that these reports have severely underestimated the real crisis of drug fatalities across the 50 states.