Ren in Prescription drug abuse
May 25, 2022

Oklahoma Has One of the Worst Prescription Drug Abuse Problems in the Nation

Recent reports claim Oklahoma has the highest percentage of individuals 12 and older who are addicted to prescription drugs. But this is not a sudden or recent crisis. Rather, the above statistic represents more than a decade in the development of a sinister addiction crisis in Oklahoma, one where thousands of Oklahomans became addicted to the pills they thought would help them.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
March 12, 2019

Pharmaceutical Giant Struggles to Produce a Drug Which Can “Treat” Opioid Addiction

Since the opioid crisis fully developed within the U.S. over the last two decades, pharmaceutical companies came under heavy inspection and even ruthless accusation from the American people. And not without good reason.


Ren in Drug Information
December 16, 2018

What is Kratom?

A growing drug trend has surfaced in the U.S. which supports the use of an organic drug called kratom. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, kratom is the term for the tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) . This tree is native to Southeast Asia.


Magan Kilgore in Prescription drugs
October 9, 2017

Powerful and Free

People never sit down and think about how the addiction gets started. It can start with a toothache, and I would have never thought it would be a toothache that caused me to begin a horrible journey of becoming addicted to opioids.


Magan Kilgore in Addiction
September 7, 2017

America Opioid Addiction

The leading cause of accidental deaths in America is controlled substances. Addictive opioids are just one of the many, controlled substances that have become a lethal contender in this unfortunate situation. Opioids are used to inhibit the transmission of pain signals, people with chronic pain.