Narconon Blog
Facts About Hallucinogens
Drug abuse is a growing epidemic as more people are becoming addicted to various drugs. Hallucinogenic drugs are also adding to this problem as drugs like LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine, and DMT are widely abused.
Street Opiates or Doctor Prescribed Opiates: What’s the Difference?
Street opiates and doctor prescribed opiates are both opium based drugs and extremely addictive. However, street opiates are easier to attain as a prescription is not needed and are usually injected intravenously, producing a much deadlier effect.
Identifying a Heroin User By Their Pupils
Heroin is a member of the opiate family of drug substances, and as such is one of the most potent and addictive drugs currently in existence.
Methadone Treatment: Why It’s a Dangerous Approach to Addiction
Methadone is used to help in the treatment of opiate addiction but as a synthetic opiate drug itself, it can have adverse effects and turn into an addiction.
Best Holistic and Alternative Treatment Methods for Ecstasy Addiction
Ecstasy is a highly addictive and lethal synthetic drug and has become a major problem in the drug epidemic. Fortunately, there are holistic and alternative treatments to help an addict with ecstasy addiction.
Withdrawal Timeline for Meth Addiction
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive and dangerous drug that affects the nervous system and can cause irreparable damage and harm. Withdrawal from meth addiction can be extremely painful and may dissuade a user from seeking treatment, but it is vital that they get the help they need to start the process of recovery.
How Cocaine Affects the Nervous System
Cocaine is a heavily addictive and abused drug and it has damaging consequences on the body. The nervous system is greatly affected when doing cocaine as it releases excessive levels of dopamine and the body cannot counter the amount released, due to the cocaine; therefore, creating the high feeling.
Tips for Intervening With a Cocaine Addict
Cocaine is a highly addictive, powerful drug that is widely abused as it produces dopamine and increases the pleasure senses, prolonging the addiction. It can cause severe and irreparable damage to the body and it is important that an intervention is done as soon as possible.
Drug Withdrawal and Minerals – Some Things You Should Consider
Drug withdrawal is a necessary, but difficult part of addiction treatment. There are many symptoms that can be produced from withdrawal, which are similar to those in mineral deficiencies.
Is Your Family Member Struggling With Opiate Dependence
Opiate dependence is a growing problem and addicts are becoming more adept at hiding the dependence from everyone, including loved ones. However, there are a number of signs that indicate your loved one is opiate dependent and it is important to help them seek treatment.