Narconon Blog
One in Ten Americans Uses Painkillers
It’s a shocking statistic that one in ten Americans uses painkiller drugs. But that is the brutal truth, and it’s a level of use that must be addressed. There is no reason why ten percent of the U.S. population should be prescribed addictive pain drugs, especially without considering the horrific and even potentially fatal side effects of such drugs.
Types of Prescription Painkillers
Prescription painkillers are a growing problem in this country as the opioid epidemic only continues to become worse. The increasing number of prescriptions being written is adding to this figure and so is the occurrence of abuse and addiction to these drugs.
Are America’s Senior Citizens Our Newest Drug Dealers?
For many senior citizens, money is pretty tight. Most are on fixed incomes and it may be a struggle to make ends meet. Add in the complicating factor that many seniors are also in pain from various causes and may be prescribed painkillers paid for by Medicare. Perhaps it’s not surprising that some of our senior citizens have taken to selling their pills to supplement their incomes.…
Will Heroin Follow Prescription Drugs into Oklahoma?
In June 2016, The Oklahoman reported that Oklahoma took the top spot in a list of states with a prescription painkiller abuse problem. In the long run, this problem could result in an influx of heroin into the state.
DEA Intervenes to Reduce Number of Painkillers in Circulation
In early October 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration released an order to pharmaceutical manufacturers to reduce the number of controlled prescription drugs that could be made in 2017. While this action is designed to reduce the number of pills on the market and being abused, there’s no guarantee that those in pain may suffer in the transition.
The Tricky Relationship Between Painkiller Addiction and Medicare
The Tricky Relationship Between Painkiller Addiction and Medicare Could having Medicare coverage be associated with higher rates of addiction to painkillers? A new study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association seems to lean in that direction.
AMA Recommends Painkiller Prescribing Change that Could Save Lives
In June 2016, the American Medical Association recommended that medical practitioners abandon the practice of using pain as the “fifth vital sign. This change could save lives.

In 2016, Oklahoma Still Struggles with Prescription Drug Abuse
A new report reveals that Oklahoma still tops the list of states with prescription drug abuse problems. According to the most recent national survey on drug abuse, a higher percentage of Oklahomans aged 12 and older abused prescription drugs — about 5% of the population —than in any other state.
How Oklahoma Can Reverse Trends in Pill Abuse & Overdoses
Oklahoma has taken actions to control the distribution of prescription drugs but much more needs to be done to reverse the state’s trend of drug abuse. Narconon provides recommendations that can help.