Elaine M. in Family Addiction
July 25, 2024

Recovery From Opioid Addiction is Possible

Recovery from addiction is possible and knowing what to expect during the process can help ease the transition for both former addicts and their families.


Heni in Family Addiction
October 17, 2022

Is Someone Close to You Using Drugs? Here are 9 ways to help you find out.

Addicts are generally ashamed of their use, so it is hard for them to admit that they can’t stop, but if they trust you enough they will open up.


Heni in Family Addiction
October 5, 2022

Letter from an Ex-Wife of an Ex-Addict

My husband had a drug problem all his life. After I met him his problem got worse and worse every year. In 2016 he did a year in jail, and I remember him coming out of jail sober and happy, but that didn’t last, because as soon as he finished his probation time he went back to using and partying...


Elaine M. in Family Addiction
November 18, 2021

Three Common Misconceptions about Drug and Alcohol Treatment

There is so much information about drug and alcohol rehabilitation today that it can be a challenge to distinguish between fact and fiction. It can be easy to get so overwhelmed by all the information out there that it is difficult to make an informed decision.


Ren in Family Addiction
October 7, 2021

Spotting Addiction: How to Tell if Your Loved One Has a Problem

Given that drug addiction is a more lethal crisis than perhaps it’s ever been (as evidenced by soaring overdose fatalities), family members can’t just stand by and wait for a loved one to come forward and admit to an addiction. They have to be able to spot the problem, then take action.


Ren in Family Addiction
January 29, 2020

Solving America’s Addiction Nightmare and Helping Our Young Adults

Since the turn of the century, the United States has experienced what might be its worst-ever drug problem. Just in the last two decades, millions of people have fallen prey to drug habits, and hundreds of thousands of people have died from drug overdoses. But who is actually falling prey to addiction?


Fio Magliola in Family Addiction
January 17, 2020

An Open Letter From One Addict’s Mother to Another

To anyone who reading this that either has a family member or you yourself are struggling with addiction: Narconon Arrowhead saved my daughter’s life.


Ren in Family Addiction
December 18, 2019

How Can You Tell if Your Loved One Is Using Opiates?

We’ve come to see that drug addiction is a highly dangerous, and potentially lethal situation. Not only that, drug addiction is a lot more common than it used to be. In my research, I happened across a statistic I hadn’t seen in a while, and I was reminded of just how big the problem has grown.


Ren in Family Addiction
October 22, 2019

A Growing Drug Problem Overseas—What Can We Learn From It?

When we consider our drug problem here on U.S. soil, it’s difficult to imagine a drug crisis like this occurring somewhere else. The U.S. drug addiction epidemic has expanded and grown over the last twenty years, developing into a health crisis, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.


Ren in Family Addiction
October 22, 2019

Early Recovery Aided by a Change of Environment

What is it about driving down certain roads that just makes us feel better? Or why do we feel that unique calm wash over us when we walk through a park we’ve been coming to for years? Conversely, what is it about a stroll by our old school that brings out a whole mixed bag of emotions? Or the frustration we feel when we drive by a business we got let go from?