Narconon Blog
Drug Abuse Linked to Shorter Life Spans
While most people know that drug and alcohol addiction is risky to one’s health, most don’t know the gruesome details as to exactly how damaging drug use and alcoholism are to one’s health. When people abuse drugs and alcohol, they shave hours, days, even years off their overall lifespan.
Heroin and the Brain: What the Drug can Do to One's DNA
Let’s talk about heroin and the effect that this powerful narcotic has on the brain of a user. According to new research, long-term heroin use actually changes how genes are activated in the brain…
I Call It the Devil’s Drug
My friend told me he calls it the “devil’s drug.” That’s Heroin. He told me that when you are in the grip of this drug you, it’s as if you are “possessed.” You live for nothing else but the next fix. He said when he was on Heroin he had no moral values. He lost his job. He lost his friends.