Kratom – Not As Harmless As It’s Made Out To Be

“Kratom is okay because it’s plant-based.” “Kratom is harmless.” “Kratom doesn’t have any bad side effects.” “Kratom doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms.” Those statements are claims made by proponents of kratom. If that’s all you look at, you might think it’s safe to use kratom. But how much of that is actually true?


Ren in Drug Abuse Information
April 29, 2021

What Is the Scope of Drug Abuse in Oklahoma?

While it is true that each state in the U.S. struggles with some degree of drug addiction among its residents, drug use trends differ, state-to-state. What does drug abuse look like in a mostly rural state like Oklahoma?


Ren in Drug Abuse Information
April 24, 2021

Binge Drinking, Drug Use, and Nightclubs—A Close Connection

Why must drinking, drug use, and dancing so often go hand in hand? Would it be possible to create and support a nightclub scene that does not seem to necessitate drinking or drug use?



8 Things No One Told You About Addiction

Addiction: nobody expects for it to happen, nobody wants it, and certainly nobody signs up for it. If there was a sign-up sheet, it likely wouldn’t mention the downsides. But there are downsides, a lot of them, perhaps more than one realizes.


Ren in Drug Abuse Information
August 1, 2019

Ten Times as Many Teens Use Marijuana Today Than in the 1990s

There have been shifts in our country in the last two decades that can be traced back to the increasing legalization of marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use. One such change is that more young people are using the drug.


Ren in Drug Abuse Information
July 4, 2019

Addiction in the Work Force—Raising Awareness of Substance Abuse in the Working Class Industries

Drug and alcohol addiction has become a constant, regular presence in American society. Sometimes it feels as though everywhere we look, in every social circle or group we are involved with, there is someone who struggles with some kind of habit.


Ren in Drug Abuse Information
December 14, 2018

The Real Story Behind Opioid “Abuse-Deterrent” Pain Relievers

According to The Associated Press , eleven “abuse-deterrent” opioid pain reliever drugs are available, with thirty more in development. Talk to any doctor in America today about pain relief, and odds are you’ll hear the phrase, “abuse-deterrent” more than once.


How Can You Identify Methamphetamine Use?

The effects of methamphetamine can be savage, robbing a person of their health, their sanity and even their life. It’s vital to get a person who’s addicted to methamphetamine into rehab at the very first moment possible. And that means that it’s vital to identify when a person is using meth.


How Can You Identify Methamphetamine Use?

The effects of methamphetamine can be savage, robbing a person of their health, their sanity and even their life. It’s vital to get a person who’s addicted to methamphetamine into rehab at the very first moment possible. And that means that it’s vital to identify when a person is using meth.