Narconon Blog
What about Marijuana Use Is Addictive?
For some time now our country has been in a debate on marijuana. Should we legalize? Shouldn’t we? Is marijuana harmful? Or is it harmless? Is it habit-forming? Or is it a recreational substance with few negative side-effects? Finding common ground on the issue is not easy, and each side has a wealth of data and rhetoric to support their viewpoints.
The Importance of Drug Education in Schools
It has been said that a society is built on the quality of its education and that society is torn down when ignorance outweighs its knowledge. The United States ranks 17th in the world for student performance in reading, math, and science, according to The Guardian.
How an Antidepressant User Becomes Violent
With the recent school shooting tragedy in Florida, I feel compelled to explain how an otherwise young man, Nikolas Cruz, or anyone, can be turned from a social person into a killer who “runs amok” and commits violent criminal acts.
What to Look for with Heroin Users that Could Save Their Life
Heroin addiction is more prevalent than ever before and is one of the most dangerous drugs. Preventing heroin abuse and addiction is vital to stopping the epidemic and here are some signs to look for in a heroin user that can help.
Guilt As A Barrier To Recovery
When a person gets sober and gives up their old lifestyle, what is to be done about all the guilt they are clinging to?
Reasons People Binge Drink Around the Holidays
When it comes to special occasions such as Christmas and New Year’s, alcohol consumption can be a problem. Special events like these are precursors to overindulge; after all, it only comes around once a year.
Cravings as a Barrier to Recovery
Barriers to recovery are important to recognize for anyone planning on staying sober. Awareness is the first step toward a successful life. For those no longer using drugs and alcohol, without having some insight a mental roadblock can lead to relapse.
Sobriety and the Holiday Season
For a lot of people in recovery, the holiday season can be a trying time. Such an occasion brings together family, friends and oftentimes alcohol.
Narconon Teams Up with Local Leaders in Discussions About Drugs
Members of Narconon Arrowhead recently attended a symposium about the changing face of heroin addiction.