Narconon Blog
MDMA – Not Just a Club Drug Any More
The use of MDMA/Ecstasy, once the club drug of choice, is expanding beyond that culture, and it becomes even more dangerous when combined with other substances.
The Effects of Xanax Abuse
Often people who seek help for the effects of stress and anxiety are prescribed Xanax and are inadvertently introduced into the world of addiction.
The Harmful Effects of Psychedelics
Despite evidence of long term consequences, psychedelics are becoming more accepted in many countries around the world.
People with Addiction Are More Susceptible to COVID-19
One of the harmful side-effects of addiction is that being hooked on drugs and alcohol makes one more susceptible to contracting various illnesses. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, that puts addicts at even greater risk.
Dangerous Component to Common Medicines Associated with Risky Behavior and Addiction
Common drugs found in over-the-counter cough medicines can easily be abused. Do you know what to look for?
Methamphetamine – The Drug That Ages People Far Beyond Their Years
Drugs have harmful effects on those who use them. But why does methamphetamine have such a particularly awful effect? How does meth seem to physically age those who use it, making them appear much older than they actually are?
Unregulated Substances are Often not What They Appear to Be – Part #2
A look at the dangers of vaping and THC.
Unregulated Substances Are Often Not What They Appear to Be – Part #1
What is the real deal behind unregulated substances such as Kratom?
What is Meth 2.0?
Every year it seems, there is a new drug on the scene or a new strain of a drug that is even worse than the last one. Case in point, reports are coming in from the Southeast about a new type of methamphetamine that is so potent it’s killing users. They’re calling it Meth 2.0.
“Fake” Opioid Pills—What Are They, How Did They Come About and What Do We Do About Them?
The most recent headline is on fake opioid pills. Granted, this is not exactly a new story, as fake opioid pills have been popping up on the American market for years. But a recent drug bust on the Eastern Seaboard serves as a grim reminder of how dangerous fake opioid pills are.