Chickasha Drug Rehab



Drug abuse is an ever-growing problem in this country. Oklahoma ranks second in the nation for substance abuse. If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol and you are searching for real solutions, Narconon Arrowhead can help.  For 25 years, our CARF-accredited program has helped over 11,000 people achieve and maintain sobriety.  Chickasha residents are only two and a half hours away from the nationally renowned addiction treatment that is available at Narconon.

Narconon Arrowhead is situated on Lake Eufaula in Arrowhead State Park. Its location is ideal because it is within driving distance from Tulsa and other major cities in Oklahoma and surrounding states. At the same time, it is secluded enough to allow for recovery in a distraction-free environment. Narconon Arrowhead uses a holistic, drug-free approach to rehabilitation. True recovery means that the person is no longer dependent on chemical substances of any kind. Therefore, we don’t use drug replacement therapies that substitute prescription medications for illegal drugs. This approach merely shifts the person’s addiction to a more “acceptable” substance.  Trust the health and well-being of your addicted loved one to one of the country’s top addiction treatment centers; come to Narconon Arrowhead.

Addiction Treatment Near Chickasha, OK

El Reno Drug Rehab
Residents of Chickasha can easily access our facility from I-44 E or I-40 E.  At Narconon Arrowhead, a person is guided through time-tested processes that reduce or eliminate the physical cravings for drugs, then address the mental or spiritual difficulties that lead to addiction. A person is first assisted through withdrawal as comfortably as is possible. Because the repeated use of drugs deplete a body’s natural stores of essential vitamins and minerals, an important element of the Narconon approach includes rebuilding these stores. This crucial step improves the body’s overall health and decreases the harmful effects of long-term drug abuse. Another crucial element of the program is a thorough detoxification known as the Narconon New Life Detoxification. Using a moderate-heat sauna, the addict rids himself of every last trace drugs that have been stored in the fatty tissues. This greatly reduces the chances of flashbacks, which can otherwise occur even months or years after the drug was last taken. It also greatly decreases or eliminated the physical cravings for more drugs.

Narconon Addresses Both Physical and Mental Facets of Addiction

Eliminating or conquering cravings is just one facet of a complete rehabilitation. Narconon’s “whole person” approach also handles two other major barriers to successful recovery: depression and guilt. With the help of trained professionals, addicts learn practical communication skills and learn how to cultivate relationships that will assist them in attaining happiness and success in life. The tools acquired on these courses help the student learn how to avoid situations and problems that lead to drug abuse. These new-found skills often lift a person out of any depression they may be experiencing as they continue to recover. After this, the addict must find a way to address the guilt they feel regarding past actions and how they have treated loved ones. The Narconon program addresses these issues. It gives the person real tools they can use to unburden themselves from the feelings of guilt, and then prevent future behavior that would cause them to feel guilty again.

These tools, along with many others, provide a holistic approach that puts a person’s feet firmly on the path to a full and permanent recovery.

Oklahoma’s Drug Problem Affects Chickasha 

Oklahoma’s drug problem is no secret. The state ranks poorly in nearly every study that monitors drug abuse. Unfortunately, this means that drug-related tragedies and crimes are more prevalent. Twenty Oklahomans are killed in a car accident involving drugs or alcohol every month. Just a few weeks ago a family of three, including a twenty-two month old girl, was killed when a drunk driver t-boned their car. The driver was unharmed. This tragic accident occurred just one day after six-year-old Saxton was killed in a head-on collision by a driver under the influence of medications. The tragedy is that both of these accidents were preventable. With the correct rehabilitation services delivered in a timely manner, neither of these individuals would have been driving while impaired.

In addition to making the roadways less safe, drugs also increase the crime rate. Methamphetamine production and sales is a real problem in many western states, and Oklahoma is no exception. Meth labs are unsafe. They pose a fire hazard and contaminate local environments with the hazardous fumes and byproducts that are produced when cooking meth. Meth is extremely addictive, creating users who will stop at nothing to get their next fix. Chickasha unfortunately is not immune to this particular drug problem. A man was recently arrested after police spotted him emerging from a known drug house. Police stopped him at a nearby gas station and found a baggie containing a substance believed to be meth when they searched his car.

Chickasha Drug Rehab

Oklahomans who are addicted to drugs need effective solutions that will rehabilitate them once and for all. Narconon Arrowhead is perfectly situated to serve the state as its premier rehabilitation facility. With nearly fifty years of success in helping addicts end the vicious cycle of abuse, we can help you or your loved one, too. It is never too late to get help. Contact Narconon Arrowhead today!