Yukon Drug Rehab



If you live in Yukon, Oklahoma or the surrounding area addiction treatment help is just a few hours away. Methamphetamine, marijuana and now prescription drugs are tearing this community and its families apart. More Oklahoma citizens are killed by drug overdoses than by car crashes every year and Yukon residents are feeling the effects. To help battle the growing prescription drug problem, Narconon Arrowhead has provided a proven, holistic approach to addiction treatment for 25 years and is only 2 hours away from the city of Yukon.

Narconon Arrowhead is certified by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Addicts that partake in the program develop the necessary skills to help support them in the long-term against a life of drug dependency. As part of the CARF accredited program, each addict will receive specialized treatment strategies to fight the underlying causes of their addiction. At Narconon Arrowhead, we understand that each person has a unique journey. Let us help your addicted loved one get back on track to a happy, healthy life!

Drug Addiction Help Near Yukon

Over 11,000 people have turned to Narconon Arrowhead when faced with battling a serious addiction. Yukon residents can easily access the inpatient treatment facility from I-40 E.  With one of the best treatment options available so close to home, Yukon residents feel confident that their loved one will receive the most effective care from Narconon Arrowhead, a trusted source for addiction treatment.

Prescription Drugs – The Yukon Drug Problem

The leading sources of drug overdose are hydrocodone, oxycodone and alprazolam. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are powerful, addictive pain medications. Patients can become addicted even when taking these pain killers exactly as directed. In addition to relieving moderate to severe pain, hydrocodone and oxycodone produce a “high” which many people seek even after their pain has been handled and the drug is no longer needed.

Alprazolam is an anxiety and depression medication also known by the names Xanax and Niravam. It is often used as a party drug because, among other effects, it lowers a person’s inhibitions. While this can make a party more fun, it can also lead to sexual behavior that a person might not otherwise engage in. Unfortunately, it is common to overdose on Xanax, which can lead to death. In fact, in 2010 alprazolam killed 139 people in Oklahoma. In addition, in autopsies in which hydrocodone or oxycodone were found to be the cause of death, alprazolam was often found being used in combination.

Parents Turn to an Unusual Solution in the Fight Against Drugs in Yukon OK

Eight percent of Oklahomans over the age of 12 use prescription medications for non-medical purposes. This may not sound like much, but it is the worst rate of abuse in the nation. Parents are understandably worried about whether their children are using drugs. Some have turned to a rather unusual resource to determine if drugs are being hidden in their house: drug-sniffing dogs. Though this sounds extreme, parents who use highly trained dogs to search for drugs are often desperate and feel they are out of other options. Drugs can often be concealed in plain sight. Hiding locations may have parents fooled, but drug-sniffing dogs don’t rely on appearances and can hone in on a stash wherever it is. Parents will go to any lengths to prevent their children from joining the swelling ranks of drug abusers in Oklahoma.

Quite in addition to the impact drugs are having on children and adults, they are having a devastating influence on Oklahoma’s economy. In fact, a recent report estimates the total cost of Oklahoma’s drug problem at 7.2 billion dollars. That is more than the entire state budget, which tops out at 6.7 billion. Approximately 1.8 billion dollars are spent each year in expenses directly relating to drug abuse. These expenses include such things as medical bills and pay for prison staff and police. The other 5.4 billion is calculated as indirect expense from products and services never produced, additional employees hired to cover the shortcomings of drug addicts, and other such expenses. It is safe to say that Oklahoma’s drug problem is out of control. Serious, effective help is needed.

Yukon Drug Rehab

The clear solution is twofold: educate Oklahoma’s youth so that fewer and fewer turn to drugs, and help those who are addicted recover. Narconon Arrowhead is the answer to the question, “How do we help those already addicted to drugs?” With supportive detoxification, an addict will free their body from the physical addiction of drugs. Yukon Drug Rehab’s detoxification method is a deep cleanse that releases the drug build-ups in the fatty tissues, resulting in a thorough detoxification. Patients at Narconon Arrowhead also study and practice using “life tools” so that they are better equipped to handle the problems in their life that caused them to turn to drugs in the first place. With this balanced approach, Narconon Arrowhead has an excellent success rate. If you are suffering from addiction and don’t know where to turn, or if you know someone who is, let Yukon’s professionals help. An addict can turn his life around and successfully lead a drug-free life once more.